“As the crescent moon is sighted and the holy month of Ramadan begins, May Allah grace your home with His magnificent blessing.” #Ramadan2021 #WirdoraRaya2021
Just like most people, I am an exceptionally ambitious person. I have dreams, long-term goals and am determined to make them a reality. Along the way, comfort seems to get the best of me. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being comfortable though. It signals that we’ve done something right to earn this feel-good moment. We should always be mindful though that life is unpredictable.
My beloved dad passed away last year, May Allah forgive his sins and bless him with His Rahmah. After years of living her life with her soulmate, no doubt my mom missed him the most! This reminds me that comfort simply won't last forever. Just like the Moon, we will all go through phases and these phases will force us to embrace change; to fearlessly integrate it into our lives.
There's nothing like the month of Ramadhan to remind us about welcoming change; be it within ourselves and/or the people around us. Inspired by this spirit, I am blessed and honoured to introduce Wirdora's latest family member, Heidi Half-Moon Shawls to glimmer up your Eid Mubarak!
Heidi Shawl reflects perfection in its class, versatility in styling and practicality in its design. If you have been anything but complacent, challenge yourself to change for another class of its entity by adding Heidi into your wardrobe. Here are some tips on how you could have your Heidi shawls for greater change in your fashion sense:
#1 Change for Perfection in Its Class - Wear your Heidi to match your attire. Pair the Black Night, Imperial Purple or Rosy Mauve with a brighter outfit to display that sweet finesse. Similarly, owning the light-coloured Heidi's would brighten up your dark-coloured wardrobe.
#2 Change for Versatility in Its Style - The hanging Wirdora charm and the careful pleat with the half-moon design neatly wrap each Heidi. It is timeless. It is exquisitely exclusive. Add dashes of Wirdora pins and brooches, and you can never go wrong!
#3 Change for Practicality in Its Design - Just like its sister shawl, Rania Pleated Shawl, Heidi is designed to cater to you busy and empowered women. If you think time is never on your side that you might have to abandon your stylish outlook, think again. Its soft and delicate material is also meant for those who have no time to iron the shawl. There’s also no need for you to continuously mould its shape while wearing it.
Don’t thick twice, ladies. Moon up with these half-moon Heidi Shawl. Don it with your favourite Wirdora Accessories including your Wirdora mask too. Hit the Wirdora website and don’t forget to check out our enlisted March Specials. Check it out yourself from our Wirdora Warriors or get it online.
Do follow us on our social media channel, Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/wirdoraofficial/), Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/wirdora) or visit our website (WIRDORA) for details of the product range.
Eid Mubarak!
or better not to think about it ))
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