There is no darkness so dense, so menacing and so difficult that cannot be overcome by light.
Have you ever experienced a surreal moment that feels as if you are glancing into the deepest part of your soul? That is how I felt when we looked back at how we started our journey in the business.
We are in the middle of Ramadan; wondering, hoping, and praying hard so we could have the chance to cross the state border and gather with our big family during this coming Raya. It would be definitely helpful if we could get more info to enlighten us. To some extent, we couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel and left us clueless in the darkness.
Ahhh… so much negativity. I have a life mantra that I’ve been holding on to, though it may sound cliche - “There’s always a blessing every mishap. Stick to our faith, and Allah will help us, InshaAllah”.
Well, Ramadan is the Muslim holy month and as Allah stated in the Quran:
Ramadhan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (Between right and wrong).
And in the Holy Book also Allah has stated that
..but We have made the (Qur'an) a Light, wherewith We guide such of Our servants as We will;..
Subhanallah. How Merciful and Beautiful Allah is to us. Despite of all struggles and troubles, we always the Holy Quran as the guide and the light that enlightens our path.
We need light in our life, and we could never thank Allah enough for either physical light or symbolical light that He has created and prepared for us, Alhamdulillah.
As we are much aware Ramadan being the month of Al-Quran, I could not agree more on the proposal to name our new baby brooch collection as The Nour, an inspiration to the Arabic word al-nur which means the light.
On a separate sharing, it is with my humble self, to introduce to all our Wirdora Lovers with our latest baby brooch collection, The Nour.
Crowned with a strikingly beautiful Rivoli crystal and surrounded with 25 precious pieces of Chatons, you’d be amazed at how bold this treasured little baby could give you when you are wearing it.
Comes in 9 colour variants, with white gold plating and high-quality 316SS pin, The Nour, is all that you might be looking for all this while. For those who love subtleness yet wanting to have exclusivity, The Nour is definitely made for you.
Honestly, Alhamdulillah, just like the pandemic, I always believe there’s a blessing in disguise. This collection is one of the worldy blessings that I should thank Allah for. Yet, I am all aware, the most important blessings that all of us (that a strong reminder to myself) would want is to work towards the beautiful Jannah. May Allah fulfills our hope and may Allah eases our path towards our journey to Jannah, aamiiiin.
Hope is being able to see that there’s light despite all of the darkness. Look out for the light. If you couldn’t find it outside, look within yourself. Bring out the light in yourself. Just be the light.
So, while we are it, and should you are looking to get one of these beauties for your collection, do check it out yourself from your wonderful Wirdora Warriors or get it online yourself.
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