This article is written to serve product knowledge sharing and promotional purposes only. A Muslim must believe that everything is in the Hands of Allah and is obliged to rely only on Allah only. Please note that Islam forbade wearing of any gemstones which accompanied with a corrupt belief, like believing that it prevents evil eye or magic, or prevents the harm of the devil.
How will you reflect on the first half of 2021 now that we are entering its second half? Me - krik..krik..krik..
Na! Not really! I’ll be lying if I said I’ve been idled all this while. Truthfully, just like many others, Wirdora is doing all we can to meet the ends too. We have our own fixed assets to be maintained, we have staff that are still hoping for their earnings at month-end, and of course, we have the Wirdora Warriors who never stop putting hopes and the reason we are burning our midnight oil till today.
It wasn’t easy, but we surely will get there, slowly but surely.
“We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.”
So, welcome July! And, hey - this is a shoutout, to everyone, and to the July Babies in particular, to cheer up and live up the joy in the upcoming days that are waiting, without fail, Insyaallah. Being a Muslim, we surely hold strongly to our faith that there’s always blessings in everything that we do, for the sake of Allah. So, what stops you in searching for the blessing?
The Western culture has been resting July to the red ruby birthstone for their own specific reasons. Known as the ‘king of gems’, Ruby stones are known for their beautiful bright vibrant red colour. It ranges from deep blood red to paler rose red. Ruby stone has been universally accepted to be a symbol of love and passion.
Just as its physical property, Ruby is the second hardest natural gemstone after diamond. Hence, the warriors during those days wore them on their armor symbolizing protection and safety.
Just like a Ruby stone, July babies mostly are loving, passionate and full of energy that brings to a different level of success in life. It has always been related to power and charisma which in returns directing the leadership in most July babies. July babies do have strong passion and a harmonious, hardworking nature while bursting with life. They represent energy, strength and life force with a strong sense of one's life.
Taking up the July birthstone as an inspiration, don’t reserve it to just to July babies - own it to yourself too! Just stay for, stay strong and always have Allah in mind as He is the only genuine source of strength to anyone, during the bad or good days.
So, my dear Wirdora lovers, friends and family, whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome. Yes, there’s a big winding road of possibilities that we are set to travel, but we should never let anything from the past haunt us to stop heading for the best possible path. Let go of your worries and have faith, InsyaAllah.
In the meantime, let’s make someone special that are out of our sights and never out of our mind smiles when the delivery man send them a package today - yes, get a Wirdora for them just to cheer them up! Head on to our July Wirdora offers products that are remarkably exclusive and dedicated to elegance for whoever owns it. Get yours one, TODAY!
Check it out yourself from our wonderful Wirdora Warriors or get it online yourself.
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